Lesson #8. If you ask us, we think everything is better with your furry travel companion.
Berné Brown was Right, Vulnerability is the Birthplace of Connection
Travel Lesson #7 I think the title says it all.
Appreciate Connection
Travel Lesson #6 Connection comes in all shapes and sizes. And we appreciate it wherever it is found.
Slow Down
Travel Lesson #5 I certainly haven't mastered this lesson, but I am trying my best and enjoying the benefits.
Sometimes Less is More
Travel Lesson #4 Over the past year, we have learned to look at our physical possessions differently.
Sometimes the Best Plan is no Plan (or a Minimal Plan)
Travel Lesson #3 I am a planner, so this one was hard for me.
Don’t Wait, Make it Happen
Travel Lesson #2 The decision to travel was easy, but actually making it happen was harder.
I am not the Same Traveler that I was 18 Years Ago
Travel Lesson #1 A lot has changed over the years and I have become a different traveler in the process. I've learned to appreciate both versions of my traveling self.
Happy Travelversary!
Eight lessons I've learned over the last year of travel.