Beyond Borders,  Featured

Happy Travelversary!

Exactly one year ago the three of us loaded up a car and left Washington State.  We drove across the US and departed for Europe.  We have spent the last 365 days traveling around Europe. It hasn’t all been pretty.  But has been the adventure of a lifetime!  

As I reflect on the year, I would like to share some lessons that I have learned.  I intended to make the lessons a single post, but as I started writing I realized that I had more to share.  So, rather than bore you with an incredibly long post I have decided to make each lesson an individual post over the next 1-2 weeks.  Nothing contained in these lessons is earth shattering, but I hope that it allows me to share my story with all of you.  

So, in no particular order, here are the top lessons I’ve learned during the last year of travel.  

Click on each lesson for an associated post.  Please note that I will publish the posts over the next few weeks, so links will become active as the posts are published. Â