Beyond Borders

Don’t Wait, Make it Happen

We’ve met so many people on our journey who echoed these words.  And, we’ve heard stories of people who delayed their dreams and were never able to see them become reality.  We didn’t want to be those people.  This especially hit home when watching loved ones facing severe illnesses and health struggles.  Life is so short.  We wanted to live without (as many) regrets.

Years ago, I remember watching other people make similar leaps of faith. It felt extremely removed, somehow never within reach.  Then, over time, it began to feel like a possibility.  And once the seed was planted, neither of us could let the idea go.

The obstacle then became finding the right time.  We now clearly realize that the search for the “perfect time” is a trap that keeps people stuck. Once we decided to do it, we were fully committed.  We told our friends, family and employers early on, partially as a way of holding us accountable and preventing us from backing out.

Would we do it again? In a heartbeat!  Would we do it differently? Absolutely!

We both learned a lot through this experience.  It wasn’t all perfect and we made a lot of mistakes.  But we can look back and know that we had the courage to go after our dream. And we did it together.

Read my other travel lessons here.

Conwy Castle, Wales