Travel Lesson #7 I think the title says it all.
Appreciate Connection
Travel Lesson #6 Connection comes in all shapes and sizes. And we appreciate it wherever it is found.
Slow Down
Travel Lesson #5 I certainly haven't mastered this lesson, but I am trying my best and enjoying the benefits.
Sometimes the Best Plan is no Plan (or a Minimal Plan)
Travel Lesson #3 I am a planner, so this one was hard for me.
Don’t Wait, Make it Happen
Travel Lesson #2 The decision to travel was easy, but actually making it happen was harder.
I am not the Same Traveler that I was 18 Years Ago
Travel Lesson #1 A lot has changed over the years and I have become a different traveler in the process. I've learned to appreciate both versions of my traveling self.
Happy Travelversary!
Eight lessons I've learned over the last year of travel.
Unexpectedly Dog Friendly
On Züri's birthday, I reflect the unexpected joy that accompanies finding a destination that is welcoming to our furry friend.
Back in Business
Watching my brother compete at the Swiss Track & Field Championships (and emails from you) inspired me to resume contributing to the blog so I can capture these memories.
Adoption Day
One of the difficult things about being far away from friends and family is knowing that you are missing important moments in life.